Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Here's a pic of the yummy pumpkin pie I made for Thanksgiving. I would like to thank my mom for teaching me how to cook! Thanks mom! :)

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, so I thought I would take the time to write down what I am thankful for this year. Of course most of you know that this was an extra special year for myself and Ryan because we were married on August 30th. :) I am thankful that I get to spend everyday with him, someone who treats me the way that everyone should and deserves to be treated, with respect. He is the best husband you could ask for! I am thankful for my ever growing family, who supports me in all I do. I am thankful for all my beautiful and wonderful friends, who keep me feeling young and zangy! I am thankful for God for giving me this life that I am so happy to have. Oh yes, and we can't forget Roscoe, he puts a smile on my face everyday, and that's pretty cool. :)

So, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Birthday Wishes


YUMMY! The cupcakes were SO good!

Can you tell which one is my foot and which ones is Ryan?! :)

I think the ball is a bit heavy for little Izzy!

What a fun time we had today! :)Today Ryan and I joined most of my family and met up with some of the Nienhuis clan to celebrate Henry and Willem's birthday! Henry just turned 5 on November 20 and Willem will be turning 8 on December the 6th. We decided to celebrate at Lakeview Lanes in Saugatuck, to test out our bowling skill's! ( I'm not gonna lie, I didn't do too well ).We all had a great time freshening up our bowling skills while dining on yummy pizza and snacks! PLUS, Myka even made a batch of her oh so yummy cupcakes! They were SUPER cute, she decorated them with cute little bowling balls!

A recent obsession

Ok, so I need to be honest with myself and agree with my friends and family that maybe I am a little obsessed right now, more than I should be with Twilight! :)
I recently just finished reading the Twilight Saga books by Stephanie Meyer, it includes these four books: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. The series is about forbidden love with a vampire no less and I love it! ( call me a dork i don't care! ). I DID however manage to get my good friend Karla hooked on them as well, YAY! We just went to see the movie Twilight, based on the first book of course, and we both LOVED it! We are both hoping that more of our friends will join in our obsession.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Roscoe aka: Space Puppy!

Roscoe recently had to make a trip to the vet because of a sore on his back. Let's just say he was NOT very pleased when he came home!