Monday, December 29, 2008


View of restaurant form the outside
Kind of blurry, but this is the dining room. :)

Ryan and Rebekah ~ Year 1901

On our most recent trip out to Colorado, Ryan took me back to a little ole restaurant called Casa Bonita. This is QUITE an experience I must admit. It is very hard to explain this place to other people, but all I can say is that if you ever travel out to Colorado, you REALLY should go there! :)
While there Ryan and I decided to have a western picture taken of ourselves, just like they do at amusement parks!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Homemade Tornado!

Ryan and I spent the Christmas holidays back in his hometown of Arvada, Colorado. Unfortunately Ryan got sick on his first day there and we spent most of the trip at the house. While I used this time to catch up on some reading, Ryan and his dad decided that this would be a great time to make there very own TORNADO! :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

RockBand Fun!

The Lock Christmas was held at our house this year, and the kids ( and some adults ) spent much of the time playing with Uncle Ryan's Rock Band! :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Roscoe the Reindeer?

I have no child yet to dress up, so don't judge me!

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!

I HAD to get this ornament, first of all it's a high heel shoe, second of all, it's gold! Christmas '06
I try to find cute little ornaments of dogs, you know, for Roscoe! Christmas '07

No words needed to explain this one! :) Christmas '05

Ah yes, in memory of our Honeymoon in Hawaii! Snorkeling was SO much fun! Christmas '08

I collect snowman ornaments, this cutie is one of many! Christmas '03

My mom bought me a nutcracker one year, I now have SIX, a collection starting perhaps!?


It's that time of year again! Time to put up the Christmas tree! There is just something so magical about a tree decorated with lights and special ornaments that puts a huge smile on my face! I love turning all the other lights down low and just sitting by the tree with either hot cocoa or tea ( or maybe a little Baileys on ice! :D ), I think I could stare at it for hours if I didn't have a million others thing to this time of year! I enjoy that almost all of the ornaments have a memory attached to each one of them, and every time you pull it out the box, you are flooded with all those special moments.